Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Aches & Pains, Part 1

Now that you have completed a couple of longer runs or walks, are you feeling some new aches and pains? I know that when I started running, I did experience aches and pains. I dealt with them by taking ibruprofen. Not a good idea for someone with a bad kidney. So I had to think of other ways to help my body. This is when I discovered yoga!

Yoga and stretching have helped me tremendously. To the point that I rarely take ibruprofen! Here is a good article on Runner's World about the benefits of yoga,,7889,s6-238-409-0-0,00.html.

I practice yoga about twice a week. If you work in downtown Tucson, every Monday Pima County Employee Wellnes hosts a yoga class in the Main Library's lower level meeting room from 12:10-12:50. Perfect for a lunch time yoga class! If you belong to the YMCA, on Thursdays there is a yoga class starting at 11:45. Also, there is a great non-profit organization in town called Tucson Yoga that has many low cost classes as well. Check out their website at I hope to see you at a class or two! Keep stretching.


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