Monday, October 20, 2008

Aches & Pains, Part 2

I had a very busy weekend and was not able to complete my long run for this week. Instead, I concentrated on cross-training. Last week, I talked about yoga and how it helps with aches & pains. Cross-training also will help!

So, what do you do on your days of rest? Sit on the couch and rest! Consider doing a different type of exericise. In addition to yoga, I take a Spin class each week. I never thought I would be one to enjoy a stationary bicycle, but spinning is actually fun. If you are a person who also keeps track of your steps each day (trying to walk a minimum of 10,000 steps a day), spinning will add 283 steps per minute! The class I take is 60 minutes long. That is a lot of additional steps!

Here is an article from Runner's World on the benefits of cross-training,,7120,s6-238-263-266-7420-0,00.html.

I hope to have a better running week this week. I know that I will be able to "catch up" with my miles. For me, the most important thing is to just keep moving!



Liz said...

In the interest of Baker's Dozen, you've been tagged in my blog. Check out the last post (10/28). Because this is how blogs often are!

1/2 Marathon Training 2008 said...

Thanks for the tag Liz. I am having fun with my blogging experience!