Monday, October 6, 2008

Interesting Article!

Now that the training group should be running/walking 7+ miles for the long run of the week, I wanted to say a word or two about water and nutrition. I hope that everyone is taking water with them when they are running. As if you didn't know by the heat of the day, we live in a desert and need to keep hydrated as we exercise. With the longer runs, it is even more important. As I start my run, I make sure that I drink a large glass of water. I then carry water with me to make sure that I don't end up dehydrated!

This weekend I ran 7 miles, although they were seven slow miles, it was 7 miles none the less. It doesn't matter how fast or slow, whether you walk or run, 7 miles is 7 miles!

As for nutrition, I find that I am not as hungry the day of my long run, but watch out a day or two after! My body tends to be hungry then so I have to really watch what I eat and make sure that I don't overeat. I also find that on long runs, I can use a boost of energy. There are all kinds of goo that you can buy, but I prefer fig newtons! It works for me to give me that last bit of energy to finish my run.

There are many great books on eating that are available at your local library. Run your first marathon : everything you need to know to make it to the finish line by Grete Waitz and Gloria Averbuch outlines a sixteen-week marathon training program that includes workout schedules and discusses topics such as nutrition and hydration, mental preparation, and stretching and strengthening exercises.

As for that interesting article... As the Coordinator of Youth Services and project manager for a teen health and wellness program called Fit for Life that the library has been running for several years to help combat childhood obesity by offering fun and interesting ways for teens and families to become healthier, a librarian sent me the following article called "Can Reading Help Kids Lose Weight?" Take a look,,8599,1847340,00.html

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